Our legal mentions


    The head office : 35 Ave des Champs-Elysées
    75001 PARIS
    Tél. : 01 01 01 01 01


1- Intellectual property rights
Any copying, modification, public dissemination or reproduction of the content of this website without the prior, express written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited, except for personal use or any other use expressly provided for by law.

2- Use of this website
This website, including and without being limiting, any information, declaration, or photograph contained in this website, is presented without any guarantee, express or tacit, whether in terms of accuracy, usefulness or precision. We decline any responsibility for damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the website, including and without being limiting, direct or indirect damage, within the limits of the laws in force.
We reserve the right to modify or discontinue website operations at our discretion and without notice.

Personal data

In the cases where we ask you to transmit or record your personal data, such as your name, address, email, or telephone number, we will inform you of the purpose of the use for which the collection is made as well as the person To contact. We will ask you to provide only the information strictly necessary for the purpose of collection.
We will not disclose your personal data to third parties.
We make every effort to maintain and improve security to ensure that your personal information is managed securely.
We want your personal information to be accurate and up-to-date and to be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, we have the right to access, modify, oppose or delete your personal data by contacting us.


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We occasionally use cookies to improve the information and services we provide and to make it easier to navigate our site.
No personally identifiable information is stored in a cookie or transferred to a third party.
If you do not wish to receive "cookies", refer to the help file of your Internet browser which will tell you how to block all "cookies" or warn you before saving them.

Nos services personnalisés

Nos services personnalisés


Nos dernières rénovations


Notre programme d'investissements immobilier